It’s time to feel good about money. Together, we will uncover your money beliefs, rewrite your money story and change your financial future.

Next 2024 event coming soon…


Trust me when I say this is going to be so much fun Yes, you heard me, I'm going to make money FUN, who knew it could be!

You are going to meet new people just like you who want to level-up their money game.

Attending this event will change your entire financial future because money will actually be a tool and no longer the thing holding you back.

Your relationship with money will be improved. This is the step you need to take if you want to reach your exciting life goals.


  • You have an income but are living month to month and have nothing to show for it.
  • You’re always frustrated because what you want consciously (to be good with money) and how you behave with money is completely misaligned and it is a painful cycle.
  • You've tried to change your financial habits but they never stick and it stresses you out
  • You are struggling to hold onto money and feel like your financial goals are out of reach.


  • You are ready to make changes to your financial habits and they actually stick! 
  • You want to feel good about money, not stressed
  • You want to feel more connected to your money and spending habits.
  • You want to hold onto money, save money and not dip into you savings.
  • You want to be able to plan for the future and money not be the thing holding you back.
  • Live Coaching Experience

    By coming to this event you are having a live coaching experience that will completely TRANSFORM how you feel about yourself and your relationship with money! I’m bringing my 3 years of money mindset expertise into a FUN and LIFE-CHANGING event that YOU get to experience!


I’ll be announcing all the details of my next event exclusively to my waitlist first, so be sure to add your name to the list!


You will be astounded what we will achieve in 3 hours. Our time together will be immersive, transformative and most importantly - FUN!


Join the waitlist if you want to be the first to know when I reveal our location.


  • Waking up and no longer feeling stressed or worried about money. 
  • Deciding on a goal you want to achieve and actually feeling confident that you can reach it.
  • No longer feeling like money is the thing that holds you back.
  • The feeling of seeing your savings and investments account finally growing. 
  • Feeling connected to your financial choices about how you spend and save.


Learn about the power of your money mindset


Uncover and rewrite your own money story to change your financial future


Connect with your future-self through a powerful visualisation


    • Introduction and my personal money story and how it affected my life and finances

    • The importance of your money mindset and uncovering YOUR money story

    • How your thoughts and feelings affect your money management in the now and rewriting your money beliefs

    • The power of visualisation and how to connect with your future-self + a beautiful guided visualisation

    • How to build financial behaviours that empower you and support your goals


    • Like you understand why you have been behaving the way you have and managing your money in this way.

    • Empowered, with more clarity on how to use money as a tool to achieve your big life goals.

    • A sense of excitement and confidence about money and working towards your big happy goals.

    • Relieved, because you will no longer avoid your finances

    • You’ll finally feel like you can trust yourself with your money.


This isn’t a boring event where you listen to me talk. It’s going to be immersive, interactive and most importantly, FUN.


Our event space in London is something else and I’m so excited for you to see it! We have 3 potent hours together, so get ready to bring and receive the ENERGY.


There’s something MAGICAL about being in a room full of like-minded people that share a common purpose - to feel GOOD ABOUT MONEY.


  • “II feel a lot more calm surrounding my money and less concerned about my financial position. When you work with Laura, you get so much more than just a coaching session. I can see the progress I've made and I can also see how I can implement the changes into my behavior and my money management to continue this growth and keep progressing in the way that I wanted to and I am so grateful to Laura for that.”

  • “I chose to work with Laura because I loved her energy, and I found her content especially on Instagram funny and so relatable. After working with Laura, I am feeling much more financially literate, and understand a lot more depth about why the way I feel affects my money. And I know feel like my money is working for me rather than having to always work hard for it. “

  • “I’ve been feeling so lost and out of control for years with my finances, debt, spending & interest rate calculations. She has been super helpful in breaking down so much complex information in the most simplest way for me to be able to plan my debt and spending in a reasonable way. She was really keen and very responsive. This is a 1st step towards a life changing healthier financial plan.”

  • “I’ve always had a poor relationship with money. Laura has been incredible and has completely changed my life! No exaggeration. I am so much more confident and mindful with my financial choices now and most importantly happier! Laura’s support exceeded my expectations. She used a variety of different coaching methods and she’s just a really lovely person who I immediately trusted.”

  • “I wanted to learn how to manage my finances, be debt free and have a more positive relationship with money. Laura session was beyond brilliant, her help is really life changing. I already feel more aware of my emotions of when & how I spend. Only with Laura help have I been able to full acknowledge how I need to take control. With her advise & savvy tips I feel empowered to make changes with my finances.”

  • “I was finding I was going over budget and didn't truly understand my own relationship with money. Laura has been fantastic in helping me work towards changing my habits and build a healthier relationship with my finances.”

  • “I needed to speak to a money and mindset specialist about running my business. Laura allowed me to speak freely and asked me all the right questions to help me find answers that I didn't know I had.”

  • “Laura helped build my confidence in managing my money and all her social media posts are so informative.I was in 25k debt, wanting to have a baby and save money for my maternity leave.. Laura helped me and 2 years on I’ve had a lovely maternity leave and 13 months off as I managed to save £6k along and cleared my 10k loan. I have several savings pots and now saving to buy my second property! “

  • “I absolutely loved the session with Laura about money. I’ve definitely seen a difference, especially with my money mindset. I’m not as negative anymore which has had a huge impact on my finances and savings. I couldn’t recommend a session with Laura enough!

  • “I was struggling with budgeting and saving, as well as how I felt towards money. Laura helped me to understand how to manage my money better and feel confident about the choices I’m making.”

  • “Laura makes money and finances seem less scary and normalises talking about money and debt in something that for women are often seen as a taboo. Laura also has great tips on short term and long term goals.”

  • “I had lots of debt and I was fearing money in general. Laura spent an unbelievable amount of time going through my finances with a fine tooth comb. She gave me guidance and self confidence that I could change my beliefs around money into positive ones and and gave me a debt management plan that I’ve stuck too and have now successfully reduced my debt by over 50% in just over a year.”

  • “I felt uncertain and wanted some help with learning about budgeting, saving, investing and making financial goals. I enjoyed working with Laura as I found Laura to be wise, supportive and helpful when it comes to anything to do with money & finance. Working with Laura was a pleasure and I highly recommend her to anyone seeking a money coach.

  • My views on money have changed since working with Laura. Before working with Laura, I had an easy-going attitude with money and didn't plan long term or have a set amount set aside in case of emergencies. After working with Laura, I now feel more confident and wiser managing my money going forward.

  • I now budget and all my money is accounted for when I get paid and able to plan for the month ahead. I've learned about budgets and how they do not have to be restrictive at all!! I no longer feel uncertain about my finances and feel confident about my financial future. I feel much wiser and confident when it comes to my finances and money.”

  • “Laura is the Robin Hood of Financial Coaching, helping to spread the word of what's out there and giving a helping hand to every day people like us at an affordable price. Her advice really helped and my mindset around my finances completely changed. She has given us the investment bug so saving to do this is now become part of our monthly financial goals.”

  • “I wanted to get a healthier mindset around money and work on savings. I am so grateful to Laura for our session and for the extremely helpful follow up email and resources - she has really inspired me to make some positive changes around money and mindset.”

  • “I had never been taught to manage my money as a child and a woman and I had got myself into some serious debt over the years and I was living in my overdrafts. Laura taught me so much more than just managing my money. We worked on my mindset around money and for the first time ever we went through all my debts.. Laura helped me work through all of this emotionally and how to turn my bank account round.”

  • “Laura coached me on different options of paying off my Debts. And I can now proudly say I have paid off a 3rd of that debt and am on my way to paying off off rest, having changed nothing about my income, but just because I now have the financial intelligence and knowledge of managing my money.”


  • It is your responsibility to check the date and time of the event and that you are able to make it. I do not offer exchanges or refunds.

  • No refunds or exchanges.

  • It will be an intimate event with between 25-35 people.

  • Yes - it is open to anyone!

  • It’s going to be very interactive. You will be uncovering and rewriting your own money story within the event workbook.

  • After the success of my first event in June, I’ve decided to host another one this year! Join the waitlist to be the first to know when I announce the details of my next 2023 event.